Friday, January 29, 2010

Being a MOM

I was looking into these blue eyes this morning, just loving the moment.  I may not ever get to use the bathroom alone, quilt whenever I want to, sleep by myself most nights, cook dinner without someone on my leg or on my hip, but I love being a mom!

I just squeezed and loved and hugged this little bundle this morning.  They grow up too fast.  I love a warm cheeked baby when they have just woken up with a big smile.  Enjoy the moment today!  Hug your little ones, and love them.

You may even have "daughters" or "sons" that you haven't birthed, and who are just as precious.  I spent 30 minutes on the phone this morning with one of those "daughters" of mine. I care for her like my own daughter.  I feel Heavenly Father's SO STRONG love for her----I am just one of the funnels for it, His hands here.  Parenting doesn't just happen within the walls of your own home always.  So many are taught by your example and love every day.  As women, we are "mothers" to many.  Thanks to all of you out there!

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